Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I Could Have Danced All Night

"You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them."
-John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

A personal weakness of mine, if you can consider it a weakness, is an unwillingness to let people go. To say goodbye. Even if I'm positive I'll see them again, my dislike of any change whatsoever sets in.
I hate it. Absolutely hate it. Why get close to someone when you know you'll have to say goodbye?

I need to understand that we meet people in our lives. That things change. Friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody.
Long-term, that philosophy is perfect. As a whole, so many people come into and out of our lives, sometimes daily. We learn, we grow, we collaborate. And on the grand scale, we take that collaboration and contribute it to the ever-growing human experiment.

Short-term, it sucks dick. Hate saying goodbye to my friends.
I'm hoping saying goodbye will become easier with age.
Like it's just one of those things that hardens us into the responsible, wise adult my ego tells me I'll become.
And yet, perhaps it's not such a bad thing I have troubles letting go.

Regardless, if they're looking for a different environment, a better fit in this enormous, messed up planet of ours, then my attachments and reluctance to change should be the last thing in the way. We wish for the best in others, and hope only for the same in return.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be Careful, It's My Heart

There is a saying that has always perplexed me.
"I couldn't __________ if my life depended on it."

As if you're life depending on you knowing how to cook an omelette or drive stick would make you do it better.
If anything, I'd panic more.
That's just me.


Walk Away

Everyone has that friend.
Always correcting everyone.
Even if it's not factually-based conversation.
They lead their opinionated responses with "No, because..."
Drives me mad.

It was only after the umpteenth time that I stood back and watched it happen.
Realized it was the same equation pumping out the same results.
Civil banter + friend who feels the need to correct everyone = Volcano of anger
Now typically I've taught myself to take that anger and simply shove it deep, deep down.
Apparently that's not healthy or whatever.

How do we deal with people like this?
You don't.
Let them correct you all the time. Be the bigger person.

Don't think of it as taking it lying down.
Think of it as letting a friend feel smart.
God knows, that's what they're looking for in the first place.
Don't argue; you'll only be stoking the flames, my friend.

Except when it comes to grammar.
Get your shit together, people.

Lates, Tyler

For Every Man There's A Woman

There she is, stunning as ever.
Eyes blue as the sea and hair put up, in that way you love.
She's the one.
But here comes life's middle finger, otherwise known as boyfriend.

A solution I hear all too often:
"She has a boyfriend? I have a goldfish. I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about things that didn't matter."
Or the more simple and popular:

To my fellow men:
Is there no honor?
Creepin' up on another man's woman doesn't make you cool, or a player, or brave.
It just makes you an ass.


Follow Me

I'm a complete sucker for revolution movies.
Saw Les Miserables for the first time, and my God. 
Nothing awakens the rebel in me like a group of young guys banding together to fight a force they know is bigger than themselves. 
Ready to die for what is right.
How often do we get a chance to do that in our lives?
Prove to ourselves that we're ready to go that far for a principle.
For a voice. For freedom.

As Time Goes By

Books or E-books?
Personally, I enjoy a good ol' page turner. A page turner with pages. The feel of the paper and the book I can grab and flip through just isn't something an e-book can compete with.
But maybe that's why there's so much disagreement on the matter.
The content remains the same, but they are two completely different mediums.
Paper and electronics.

Libraries are slowly becoming a thing of the past, and if I had to guess, the reasoning for attachment to standard paper and ink comes from it's integration in our lives from childhood.
We've all grown up with pen and paper. It is only now that schools are beginning to teach through e-books, online video tutorials, and PDF files. Our children's children won't ever know pen to paper.
It's time we evolve, society. Receive what technology has given us and view it as a a benefit to quicker learning rather than a threat to old routines.

Books shouldn't go extinct; I sure as hell want a physical, tangible copy of my books when they're published.
But it should certainly be curved drastically.
Recent statistics say 30 million trees are cut annually per year just for the purpose of books. That's just books. Not counting lined paper, documents, posters, etc.
Some argue relying on e-books will hurt us in the event of a natural disaster, in which electricity is knocked out. Though that is true to a degree, events that disastrous don't nearly happen enough to warrant the killing of 30 million trees per year.
Write a book in that bomb shelter of yours if it's that damn important to you.

Trading an aging, unpopular medium with one that is vastly eco-friendly and makes sharing/learning more convenient will ultimately be a step forward for humanity.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

When You Awake

Dear absolutists of the world,

Hats off to you.
You are the unsung heroes of simple-mindedness.
Relativity in human nature is everywhere.
Sewn into the fabric of every person and thing.
The world is more complex than your generalizations could possibly encompass.
Take your so-called academic assumptions and shove it.
A life lacking specificity is more interesting anyways.

Everybody's Twistin'

"An unexamined life is not worth living." -Socrates

Leading with an inspirational quote will be utterly contradictory to what I'm about to divulge. But for all intents and purposes, it is both the instigator and the motivator for the current burdens on my weary mind.

People are noted for their quotes because they bear some sort of explanation. They give consolation to someone in need of reassurance, or hope for the future, or what have you. The right one comes along and it can speak a truth in your life. You say to yourself, "Perfect! I'll live by this from now on."

And yet when we reenter the world with this new found knowledge, applying it becomes extraordinarily secondary. Our routines kick in and that ever-so-bothersome and ever-so-innate human irrationality takes the throne once again. We face our imperfections with what is easy rather than what is right.

I know I don't speak for everyone though. Certainly there are people who are influenced by these quotes of wisdom and self-actualization. Enough so to change their behavior for the better. Perhaps that is my obstacle. After all, accepting an argument is true means a potential change in behavior. Perhaps I'm not prepared to do that.

My point being, in life we come across many quotes and people who change our lives. Reflecting on these many thought-provoking moments in the last few years, I've noticed it happens way too freakin' much.
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But can it be? Is it all good?
Yes. Though you have many differing ideals flying at you at the same time, and though it's extremely frustrating sifting through them to find the ones with the most abundant truth, it's the rock-solid fact that we're able to do all this in the first place that gives it any meaning. It's essentially choices.

Thank God we have choices. Thank God we're able to choose for ourselves between right and wrong.
We're united in our differences. So yes, Thank God we have the ability to open our mind and hearts to new thoughts and ideas.

In everyday dilemmas, however, this reasoning is easy to throw on the back burner. It's so goddamn easy to bid rationality farewell and allow anger or apathy to reign.

A personal difficulty I face is coping with outside influence altogether. I have enough doubts and questions and complication internally. So the last thing I need is other people coming into my life and presenting new ways of thinking. This line of thought seems ridiculous, and it is. But it's this very concept that I need to strive to avoid. The concept that other ideals and ways of thinking are unneeded and bothersome.

How do we sort it out? All of these ideas, quotes, people, religions, moralities, rights and wrongs, the understandable emotions from the absurd. Are all emotions understandable? Simply an inevitability, bound to crop up? Without it we couldn't challenge ourselves, I suppose.

The more I type, the more I come to realize that there might not be one answer. Another unanswerable question for humanity.

In my twenty years, five months and four days of life, I've never come across a more frequent conclusion. That hey, you know what, it might just be "another one of those unanswerable questions."

The beauty in lacking truth comes from its apparent ugliness.
What do ya know, there's a quote for ya.

What's life without a little mystery?
