Monday, September 3, 2012

A Friend of Yours

As humans, we strive for interpersonal relationships with one another.
We don't just want to communicate.
It's a need for survival.
Is it at all possible that these relationships can sometimes become a detriment to personal progress?
That their presence is a necessity in our lives, and any reality without that presence is an unsuccessful one?
I am facing this very phenomena.
Never left alone, grew up in the same city all my life, twenty years, ever reliant on family and friends. 
I've stepped out of my bounds, and it's fantastic.
Canada, New York City, Texas, Oregon.
There's no doubt there are wonders and experiences in every which direction, enough to wet my palate of open-mindedness for years to come.
And yet part of the reason I stay is to be close to family and friends. 
Family has been there my entire life; people to rely on in trying times.
When the going gets tough, there they are.
Friends have been there my entire life; people to laugh with, cry with, drink with.
When you need to talk, they listen. 
Not that you couldn't find any of that if you venture out on your own.
It's every man's unspoken fate that he find his own niche in this world at some point.
Whether it be a few blocks down or leagues over the world.
We all leave family and friends.
It's inevitable.
Not that they are cut out of our lives, but that you open your heart and mind to others.
And that's the frightening part. 
Making room.
It's unreliable. It's uncertain. It's unstable.
Despite all these depravities, it's bold.
Getting lost helps you find yourself.
So what are you afraid of?
You're not really losing anyone.
Just opening the door.

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